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Preserving Deliciousness: Home Canning Beef Stew

Updated: Feb 6

Home canning is a timeless tradition that allows you to savor the flavors of your favorite dishes all year round. One dish that is perfect for canning and preserving is a hearty beef stew. With the help of a pressure canner, you can ensure that your homemade beef stew remains fresh and flavorful for months to come. In this post I'll guide you through the steps to successfully can beef stew at home using a pressure canner.

Home canned beef stew
Home canned beef stew

Why choose pressure canning?

Pressure canning is a safe and efficient method for preserving low-acid foods like meats, vegetables, and stews. The pressure canner provides the ideal environment for sterilizing your food, eliminating harmful bacteria, and sealing the jars to create an airtight seal. This ensures that your beef stew remains safe to eat and maintains its quality for an extended period.

I make beef stew all the time, love having it simmer on the stove for hours on end making the meat supet tender and filling my house with an amazing smell. But I have to admit, pressure canning it makes the most wonderful tender meat and the taste of the stew is fantastic!

Before you begin the canning process, gather the necessary ingredients and equipment:

My ingredients
My ingredients


  1. Beef stew meat (2-3 pounds)

  2. Assorted vegetables (carrots, potatoes, peas, onions, etc.)

  3. Beef broth

  4. Salt, pepper, and your favorite seasonings

  5. Canning jars, lids, and bands


  1. Presto Pressure Canner (Or whatever brand of pressure canner you have)

  2. Canning funnel

  3. Jar lifter

  4. Lid lifter/magnetic wand

  5. Ladle

  6. Large pot for simmering stew

  7. Knife and cutting board

Presto pressure canner
Presto pressure canner

Step-by-Step Guide:

Prepping the jars
Prepping the jars

Prepare Your Ingredients:

  • Cut the beef stew meat into bite-sized pieces.

  • Wash, peel, and chop your vegetables.

  • Fill the Jars:

  • Using a canning funnel, carefully ladle the raw beef and veggies into the warm (not hot) jars, leaving about 1 inch of headspace at the top.

  • Por in the broth or water.

  • Remove any air bubbles by running a clean knife or bubble remover tool around the inside of the jar.

  1. Secure Lids and Bands:

  • Wipe the jar rims with a clean, damp (with vinigar) cloth to ensure a proper seal.

  • Place the lids on the jars and screw on the bands until they're fingertip-tight. Don't overtighten.

  1. Load the Canner:

  • Place the filled jars in the pressure canner, making sure they don't touch each other or the sides of the canner.

  1. Process Jars:

  • Close and lock the canner's lid securely, following the manufacturer's instructions.

  • Vent the canner for about 10 minutes, allowing steam to escape.

  • Once vented, close the vent pipe and bring the canner to the recommended pressure for your altitude (check the manual).

  1. Process Time:

  • Process pint jars for 75 minutes and quart jars for 90 minutes at the designated pressure. Adjust processing time for your altitude if needed.

  1. Cooling and Sealing:

  • Turn off the heat and allow the canner to cool naturally. Do not force-cool it.

  • After cooling, remove the jars with a jar lifter and place them on a towel or cooling rack.

  • Allow the jars to cool completely and listen for the satisfying "ping" as the lids seal.

  1. Check Seals:

  • Once the jars are cool, press down on the center of each lid. If it doesn't pop back, the seal is secure. If they dont seal/ pop, place these jars in the fridge and eat within a few days.

  1. Store and Enjoy:

  • Label your jars with the date and contents.

  • Store the sealed jars in a cool, dark, and dry place. They can last up to 1-2 years or even longer.

Jars right out of the canner
Jars right out of the canner

Canning beef stew using a pressure canner is a rewarding way to preserve the comforting flavors of homemade stew for later enjoyment. With the proper equipment and technique, you can fill your pantry with delicious, shelf-stable meals that are ready to enjoy at a moment's notice. Home canning allows you to capture the essence of each season and ensures that you always have a taste of home when you need it most. Happy canning!

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